Je me demande bien quelle est l'utilité d'avoir une touche permettant de représenter le logo Apple sur le clavier Mac si son utilisation est restreinte sur des sites comme Facebook ?


Une page menacée à cause de cette politique


Le créateur de cette page a reçu un email provenant de Facebook lui demandant de proposer un nouveau nom à sa page car l'utilisation seule du logo Apple via la touche prévue à cet effet engendrerais une violation de copyright :

Hi Joshua,

Thank you for providing us with this information regarding your Page, . Because you were not able to authenticate your Page by one of the methods previously offered, we are requiring that the name of your Page be elaborated upon to accurately represent the content of the Page.

If you are using your Page primarily as a blog, we are requesting that you add your personal name to the title of the Page. For example, if your Page is named “I Love Music,” you should change the name to “I Love Music by ", followed by your name.

If your Page is representing a website, you also have the option of making the URL of that website your Page name. For example, if you maintain “”, you can change the name of your Page to “”

Please reply to this email with the required name change for your Page and we will be able to assist you further. If you do not contact us within 3 weeks, your Page’s publishing rights will be blocked and any custom URL that may be associated with your Page will be removed. These policies are designed to ensure Facebook remains a safe, secure and trusted environment for all users.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,

User Operations Analyst

-----Original Message to Facebook-----
From: joshua*****
To: The Facebook Team
Subject: I am the Authentic Representative of the Entity that my Page Represents

Page Name: Apple Nerds
Page URL:
Relation: This is a fan page for Apple Inc. it is well known it is not Apple but a community of Fans/fanboys
Email address: joshua*****
Agreement: 1

-----End Original Message to Facebook-----

Face à ce dilemme, le propriétaire de la page a envoyé un email à Apple leur demander de constater la-dite violation :

To: [email protected]
cc: [email protected]
Subject: Using the Apple Logo on a Facebook Fan Page

Hi, I started a Facebook Fan Page called (the Apple Logo as typed using Option + Shift + k)

It's been brought to my attention by Facebook that this may be infringing copyright, if so I will comply accordingly. It is a fan page of 110,000 people now and many of them joined because they're Apple Fans, so this page and it's contents is not derogatory or against Apple.

I've been perusing the page: and I'm uncertain if my use is a breach of copyright.

Would you please advise which route you would like me to take in regard to this page

  1. Leave the page name as it currently is:
  2. Add a word or phrase to the name: e.g. "Fans of "
  3. Not use the typed logo: e.g: "Fans of Apple"
  4. Not use the word Apple: e.g. "Fans of Computer Company Named After That Red, Roundish Fruit"

Your quick reply is appreciated as Facebook administration is awaiting my reply as to what to change the name to.

Joshua Withers

La réponse d'Apple est à venir et je suis très curieux de la lire. Va-t'on bientôt devoir reprocher à la firme de la pomme d'avoir représenté leur logo sous forme de caractère ?

Vous en pensez quoi vous autres ?

Mise à jour

Aucune réponse de la part d'Apple apparemment. Facebook a finalement renommé la page en « Fans of Apple ».

Joris Berthelot