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Posts tagged: bash

MySQL: silent insecure password warning

I won't invent anything new here but I'll share a quick improvement on an answer I've found on Stack Overflow.

If you are doing batch actions and don't want to write in .mylogin.cnf file, there's the trick: use a process substitution!

$ mysqldump --defaults-extra-file=<(printf "[client]\nhost = host.rds.amazonaws.com\nuser = username\npassword = \$PassW0rd\$") \
    database > dump.sql

This also works for any other file input, like Docker env file run param:

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SH: md5sum -c like for Mac OSX

Okay, since I plan to upload old backup archives to the cloud for fear to lose data integrity, I wanted to calculate the MD5 hash of these archives before any manipulation. OSX has natively the MD5 command provided by OpenSSL but no argument to check automatically a file checksum against another file which would contain its checksum.
And the -r generates broken MD5SUMS pattern output (the default OpenSSL star is stripped)!

In order to be able to use the md5sum command on OSX like on other Unix platforms, I developed a small script that will behave alike. I hosted it

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ZSH: Open a new window using the last pwd

A friend of mine used ZSH on his Mac and since I know him and his .zshrc, I keep ZSH as the main CLI on my laptop, it works so well, I advise you to switch if still not 😛 .

But, I was very tired of typing a long cd command every time I wanted to open a new Terminal tab to execute a command in the same directory or close to where I was working; so I looked for a hack to get rid of this pain over the Internet and now, I'd like to share it with you.


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