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Posts tagged: templating

Ghost: RetinaJS integration

In this post, I will show you how to quickly make your Ghost blog retina-ready.

If you are new to the retina thing, please read the Wikipedia page so you know what we are talking about.

Step 1: make your images retina-ready

I won't explain the whole thing about how to make your images retina-ready but this article covers the most of it.

Whether or not you are using the provided Photoshop export script, just make sure you save your files with @{factor}x.{ext} instead of _{factor}x.{ext}.

  • {factor} is the image dimension factor
  • {ext} is the
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Nunjucks: inject Express request to templates

On my free time, I recently started to think about the next version of my photography portfolio which starts to be old and especially is not designed to be effectively browsable on tablets.
And, there are also other things I'd like to fix...

Anyway, as I recently got some basic skills in NodeJS, I challenged myself to rewrite my dear portfolio with this technology. I looked for an interesting templating engine not too far from Twig which I like a lot then I chose to go with Nunjucks, which is very similar and seems not to be dead.

In my

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PHP: Projet Silex – Templating

Oula, si vous aviez cru que le projet était tombé à l'eau, et bien non. Très très occupé ces derniers mois car je vis maintenant à New York et j'ai pas vraiment eu le temps de rédiger. Ni de trop avancer d'ailleurs.
Mais me revoilà, j'ai pas mal bossé ces dernières semaines et le projet a beaucoup changé depuis la dernière fois mais il est maintenant abouti (enfin). Pour les fidèles (si il en a encore), on retrouve encore et toujours notre road map habituelle :

Road map du projet

  1. Pré-requis et architecture
  2. Configuration de Silex
  3. Jouons avec Silex
  4. Ecriture de
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