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Posts tagged: howto

Chrome: how to fix a gone basic auth dialog

Last night, I tried to display a basic auth protected page but without any success because I didn't know the credentials. Obviously, I got a 401 Error.

Today, I was back to that page with the credentials but Google Chrome wouldn't display the basic auth dialog anymore. How annoying to have directly the HTTP 401 Error page right away!

I found the fix from this page and I'm sharing it here so it will be faster for me to get to the fix as it might be for you as well.

Anyway, from the command line (I'm a OSX user)

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Ghost: RetinaJS integration

In this post, I will show you how to quickly make your Ghost blog retina-ready.

If you are new to the retina thing, please read the Wikipedia page so you know what we are talking about.

Step 1: make your images retina-ready

I won't explain the whole thing about how to make your images retina-ready but this article covers the most of it.

Whether or not you are using the provided Photoshop export script, just make sure you save your files with @{factor}x.{ext} instead of _{factor}x.{ext}.

  • {factor} is the image dimension factor
  • {ext} is the
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Nunjucks: inject Express request to templates

On my free time, I recently started to think about the next version of my photography portfolio which starts to be old and especially is not designed to be effectively browsable on tablets.
And, there are also other things I'd like to fix...

Anyway, as I recently got some basic skills in NodeJS, I challenged myself to rewrite my dear portfolio with this technology. I looked for an interesting templating engine not too far from Twig which I like a lot then I chose to go with Nunjucks, which is very similar and seems not to be dead.

In my

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RabbitMQ installation on Vagrant/Centos

Today I wanted to update our AMQP producer payload so I needed to have RabbitMQ installed and ready in my Vagrant virtual machine. We use Centos 6.

In our Vagrantfile:

config.vm.network :private_network, ip: "192.168.x.x"

The EPEL rabbitmq-server is in version 3.1.5 while the latest version (and the version where the plugin management command sits) is the 3.5.3.

So, in order to install the RabbitMQ server:

$ sudo yum install erlang
$ wget http://www.rabbitmq.com/releases/rabbitmq-server/v3.5.3/rabbitmq-server-3.5.3-1.noarch.rpm
$ sudo rpm --import https:
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OSX: Dealing with property list files

During my last CareerBuilder Hackathon, I worked finished a project that will incredibly help our growing tech teams. If you ever worked in a consulting company, you know how painful it is to wait to gather server credentials and set up them on your machine to be fully operational.

My project is very simple but damn useful: it generates several type of configuration directly from our platform API. You need to have SSH access to servers or connect to database servers? No problems, you provide your SSH user/key path and I take care of generating the file for you

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cURL: forward POST over HTTP redirections

Recently, I've been stuck on a Web service call that wouldn't be called as supposed to be. When having troubles with WS, it's very important to dump client request and server response.

Using cURL withing PHP, I couldn't understand why my code was building a POST request and cURL returned me a GET request instead when the URI was getting a 301 redirection.

Turned out that it was a configuration issue because the URI wasn't the right one. Thanks to the config team!

What cURL says

When curl follows a redirect and the request is not a plain GET (for
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