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Posts tagged: english

PHP: Compile a PECL extension in 64 bits when your compiler runs 32 bits

At my job, I use a Solaris distribution as a development server and the package manager doesn't propose the Xdebug package so I need to use the PECL command, which is fine. But, the PECL manager uses the system compiler which compiles binaries with 32 bits flags although my LAMP stack is 64 bits linked.

No other choice to compile manually my extension and after a few hours of hell (yes, I'm not a C pro :cwy:), I found how to compile correctly my extension.

So, if one day you need to compile a PHP extension in a different architecture,

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CSS: Quick tip to test your design responsiveness

Meanwhile I'm finishing my photography portfolio, I was wondering how could I test my design responsiveness as my screen resolution is 1440x900 max so I figured out a work around...

For low resolutions, it's quite easy because you only have to resize your browser window or use Web Developer extension which provides some predefined common window sizes.
But what about 1600x1200 resolution when your laptop screen is 1440x900 (for my example)?

You could either use tool like Responsive Design Testing by Matt Kersley OR, you could use your native browser functionality if your design is well done. I mean if

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PHP: Wordpress Popular Posts for the current category

Hi folks!

For my work, I luckily had to hack a client Wordpress instance... I'm glad to reached 6 years of studies after my A-Level to finally be a Wordpress hacker.

Anyway, today, my client Wordpress uses the popular plugin Wordpress Popular Posts to display various popular posts on his website. The plugin allows to exclude certain categories if you want but doesn't allow to filter for only one specific category. I read in the plugin forum that the plugin developer has this feature in his to-do list...

If you need this feature by the current version (2.2.1)

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SH: md5sum -c like for Mac OSX

Okay, since I plan to upload old backup archives to the cloud for fear to lose data integrity, I wanted to calculate the MD5 hash of these archives before any manipulation. OSX has natively the MD5 command provided by OpenSSL but no argument to check automatically a file checksum against another file which would contain its checksum.
And the -r generates broken MD5SUMS pattern output (the default OpenSSL star is stripped)!

In order to be able to use the md5sum command on OSX like on other Unix platforms, I developed a small script that will behave alike. I hosted it

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Introducing: joris.me

Hi! I'd like to wisely introduce you my new online resume. I worked hard to reach this level of quality so I'm kinda proud of it.


  • HTML5 + CSS3
  • Spritted CSS images
  • Smooth scrolling using jQuery
  • Full responsive layout (from 320x240 to... whatever!)
  • Mobile version (goes with responsive layout)
  • Supports IE7+
  • 98/100 on Google Page Speed
  • A Grade on YSlow
  • HTTP caching + compression
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Semantic HTML5 design
  • RDF/XML + Dublin Core metadata

It took some time for me to realize it because I'm not a designer and I didn't know what I really wanted... Wanted something very neat,

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ZSH: Open a new window using the last pwd

A friend of mine used ZSH on his Mac and since I know him and his .zshrc, I keep ZSH as the main CLI on my laptop, it works so well, I advise you to switch if still not 😛 .

But, I was very tired of typing a long cd command every time I wanted to open a new Terminal tab to execute a command in the same directory or close to where I was working; so I looked for a hack to get rid of this pain over the Internet and now, I'd like to share it with you.


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