
> beautiful code & photos

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Joris Berthelot

116 posts Caen, France https://www.eexit.net Joris Berthelot


Après une activité quasi-inexistente en 2014, j'ai décidé de reprendre en main ce blog. Après avoir quitté Wordpress pour Ghost et OVH pour Amazon EC2, j'ai récemment changé d'hébergement encore car les factures Amazon étaient trop élevées pour ce que j'en faisais.

Mon blog et comme la plupart de mes sites sont maintenant hébergés sur une instance Centos chez Digital Ocean. Après avoir mis à jour Ghost, j'ai décidé de lacher mon précédent thème pour ce magnifique, multi-couleur et minimalistique thème de JollyGoodThemes.

Originalement, le thème ne gérait que 3 couleurs et n'avait pas de coloration syntaxique. Après quelque temps

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cURL: forward POST over HTTP redirections

Recently, I've been stuck on a Web service call that wouldn't be called as supposed to be. When having troubles with WS, it's very important to dump client request and server response.

Using cURL withing PHP, I couldn't understand why my code was building a POST request and cURL returned me a GET request instead when the URI was getting a 301 redirection.

Turned out that it was a configuration issue because the URI wasn't the right one. Thanks to the config team!

What cURL says

When curl follows a redirect and the request is not a plain GET (for
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Wordpress to Ghost

Today For the past 2 weeks, I've been trying to move out from my beloved Wordpress blog to this new, shiny and hipsterish blog plateform called Ghost.

So, two big moves:

The longest part wasn't to have Ghost up and running but to import all my Wordpress shit into this baby's DB. Ha, a long story that involved automated and manual work.

Import WP data into Ghost

At first, I tried the Ghost Wordpress Plugin which exported well my WP data but I

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Android: Remote screenshot with adb

Hi there and happy new year!

Not that it's not easy to find this information but I recently signed up on Snapchat and let's be honest, it's not easy to capture the device screen when long tapping the screen.

Fortunately, Android development kit comes with a shell that allows to control your device from your computer through adb. No teaching you anything today.

I quickly wrote a tiny script that would allow anyone who found the way to install adb to capture your device screen remotely.

Create a screenshot file in the same folder of the adb binary and paste

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Android: Nyan Cat boot animation

I was running with AOSP Strawberry Jelly Bean for a while and it started to be really slow and unresponsive so I tried AOSP SlimBean Build 5.
Didn't suit because I had random reboot even the UI was smooth enough... By the way, if your smart-phone is recent enough, I would recommend this one because it's highly customizable.

I finally ended up using the latest RC of CyanogenMod 10 (including Android 4.2) which seems to work perfectly and seems stable on my old Google Nexus S (codename crespo).

I used to use Titanium Backup to backup and restore my

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USA: Le compte à rebours a commencé

Cet article fait partie d'une série, peut-être souhaiteriez-vous commencer par le début de l'aventure ?

Sinon, vous pouvez directement enchaîner ici :

Bonne année et bonne santé, pour commencer !

J'ai enfin trouvé le temps de finaliser cet article qui a traîné dans mes brouillons depuis des mois, pfiou enfin terminé ! Veuillez m'excuser pour cette grosse lacune de régularité depuis Juillet 2012, je me sens honteux...
Bref, passons, ça en vaut le détour !

Extension de séjour

Si vous

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